唐:FB很厉害,可惜中国用户,创业者 开发者学不到FB的强大功能。防火墙阻碍学习,国内技术永远慢半拍,英语不行就更吃亏了。//@飒爽骑士:西方创造了人类近代史~西方奠定了现代科学,我们不应该人为地抵御西方文明,而是应该张开双臂拥抱他,我们要对我们自己的文明有自信,好的东西自然会留下,糟箔的东西应该去除
English vs. Mandarin Chinese
Friday, May 2, 2014
The curious thing about English's status as the global lingua franca is that it is not in fact the most widely spoken language in the world. That honor goes to Mandarin Chinese, which clocks just over a billion speakers. English is only the second most widely spoken, and it has barely half the number of native speakers that Mandarin has. This would not appear to be bode well for English, right?
With the 'news' this week that China has surpassed the US as the world's largest economy by certain, highly specific measures, a person might reasonably wonder if Mandarin Chinese won't soon become a threat to the privileged status of English.
Over at Lingua Franca, Geoffrey Pullum says, Sorry, not a chance:
Accidents of history conspired to determine the present status of English.
Which language was spoken by the people who managed to gain lasting political control in North America and Australasia, and had temporary political dominance in all of southern Asia and most of eastern, western, and southern Africa?
Which language is spoken in the one place on earth where blockbuster movies for worldwide release are made on budgets running into the hundreds of millions of dollars?
Which is the main language used by the closest to approach Radio Earth, namely the BBC World Service?
Which is the only language used officially for government purposes in more than 60 countries?
Which has been chosen as the norm for all air-traffic control conversations?
A long succession of such accidents has put English so far in the race for dominance in global communication that it can hardly even be called a race now.
Some people talk as if Mandarin Chinese was gaining on English. It is not, and it never will. A Tamil-speaking computer scientist explaining an algorithm to a Hungarian scientist at a Japanese-organized scientific meeting in Thailand calls on English, not Chinese. Nowhere in the world do we find significant numbers of non-Chinese speakers choosing Mandarin as the medium for bridging language gaps. There are no signs of that changing.
I've previously written about language longevity and how some languages survive for millennia even as most die off. Linguist Nicholas Ostler contends that strongly centralized societies with high population densities are the most likely to preserve their languages for the long term. The poster children for this are Egyptian and, yes, Chinese. Chinese has been spoken in some form or other for at least 5,000 years. It seems very well positioned to continue to be spoken within eastern Asia for another few thousand.
But the requirements for being a successful lingua franca are quite different. Virtually every lingua franca has started as a language of trade and commerce, or sometimes religion. First the British and then the Americans have been busily colonizing and exporting for the last few centuries, taking English with them wherever they went. Even when they have left a place the inhabitants have often found it convenient to continue using English to communicate with other colonial nations.
This is all to say nothing about how English speakers found themselves sitting on top of the explosion of mass communication technologies during the 20th century.
Meanwhile, one might say, the Chinese have been mostly concerned with the enigma of being Chinese. There hasn't been any big push to bring Chinese religion, Chinese technology, Chinese movies or Chinese thinking to the rest of the world. Perhaps the Chinese feel that mastering their own society is difficult enough without also trying to foist it on the rest of the world. Or perhaps the sheer gravitational pull of one-and-a-half billion people and five thousand years of history makes it difficult for them to escape their own cultural orbit.
We would have to see a pretty serious change in China's outlook for Mandarin to have any real prospects as a global lingua franca. In the meantime, English's dominance only continues to grow.
http://weilaijiequls025.fang.com ... 24640_334224640.htm
2013-9-25 现有程序猿一只。
今天他给女朋友买了个靠枕,女朋友表示很开森。 其实他的意思是:“你该歇歇了!”这是分手礼物,他决意要和女朋友分手!! 程序猿心目中的女朋友应该是这样的:
摘下眼镜,修修整整,还是有待发掘的。也好过现在的这位! 程序猿的求爱路,就此启程~! 程序猿求爱记1 他恋上了同公司的一妞。 绞尽脑汁,百般讨好。
程序猿求爱记2 他又恋上了一妞 他依然绞尽脑汁,百般讨好!
程序猿求爱记3 ...... 他失败了!!!
程序猿不放弃!一再重拾自己那颗小小的心脏,重新叼给另一位姑娘!然而每次...... 他妈我刚捡回来你又给扔了!!
程序猿苦恼无比,遂去求高人指点。 高人说:
遂茅塞顿开! 程序猿迅速给自己算了一笔账。 月薪6000元,积蓄15w,按照正常存款速度,一年至少可存5w。20万=?*30%。 南京的房价段主要集中在:9000-11000元/平,15000-18000元/平,2w/平(及以上)。 排除法,只能接受第一梯队价位。 而且户型必须控制在80平以下。 什么样的房子满足这几点? 程序猿寻寻觅觅,终得正解! 朗诗未来街区 完全是程序猿的理想家! 9100元/平,67平首付17w,75平首付19w,79平首付21w。除此之外有5000抵1w的优惠活动,并且如果有机会在搜房的首付活动中中奖的话,很有可能免去6w! 价格上完全符合程序猿的需求! 而从综合角度考察: 环境——鸟语花香,景色怡人; 配套——未来会有地铁3号线(星火站)。直接通往河西。 品牌——还是响当当的! ...... 程序猿整装待发,意气风发,又一次开始了新的求爱旅程。 他也想着讨得芳心! 从此他们幸福的生活在一起!
这是一个多么感人励志的故事啊! “有梦最美,筑梦踏实”!!!
這個「程序猿」和你想的一樣嗎 http://sh.wenweipo.com/index.php?action-viewnews-itemid-4095 2012年2月27日 核心提示:一身黑灰外套的猿人造型,耳塞随身听、手拿大煎饼、脚踩运动鞋、身背双肩包,涣散的眼神和凌乱的头发,这一切构成了《张江男日记》男主角“程序猿”嗨皮哥的外貌特征。 晨报记者 李元珺 一身黑灰外套的猿人造型,耳塞随身听、手拿大煎饼、脚踩运动鞋、身背双肩包,涣散的眼神和凌乱的头发,这一切构成了《张江男日记》男主角“程序猿”嗨皮哥的外貌特征。继张江男标准求爱动作和张江女标准装备图在网络走红之后,其作者“Happy张江”再次推出《张江男日记》,试图描摹张江男女的集体自画像,让更多人了解张江人有才华加冷幽默的个性特点。她希望作品被认可后,有一天人们会说:“嗨,你今天穿得很像张江男呀。 ” 张江关键词:有才华、冷幽默 作为土生土长的张江“土著”,“Happy张江”对张江的感情毋庸言表。尽管她从事油画创作,但因为身边不乏从事IT的朋友,因此她对于张江主流人群——IT人的生活和想法十分了解。之前打造的张江男女相关图示,旨在打开一个窗口,让更多人看到这一群体的概貌。“Happy张江”告诉记者,《张江男日记》的男主角嗨皮哥和女主角妞妞都是以自己朋友为原型创作的,日记将以四格漫画的形式讲述张江男女日常生活中的有趣片段,其中不乏对社会热点问题的关注和探讨。“张江男女这个群体,在外人看来也许有些木讷,不善言表,形象也可能没那么时尚;可他们其实内心很丰富,有点小才华,爱耍冷幽默,闷骚是对这个群体最好的诠释。” 对猿人造型,网友反应两极分化 对于程序猿Q版卡通形象的出炉,网友表现出两极分化的态度。 一部分对号入座,越看漫画中的人物特征越像自己和身边人,为此他们兴奋地表示终于找到了自己的形象代言人。“面若桃花人幻春”就禁不住感慨:“程序猿。惊!我们有自己的形象了呀!” 另一部分则对于漫画中设定的不修边幅不够时尚的形象不能接受,认为漫画中的刻板印象并不能代表张江人。“木村KIMO”直接留言:“这形象绝对让张江男愤怒啊,他们很帅的。” 希望未来听到“今天,你很张江男” 对于这些反馈的声音,“Happy张江”表示漫画展现的内容有褒义也有贬义,不一定所有人都认可,但只要引人关注就行。不过,记者发现她还是对部分反馈作出了回应,比如有人认为张江女太土时,她便为张江女打造了一套时尚清丽的造型。随后她告诉记者的一句话更透露了她寄予张江男的小小“野心”。 “我只是想引起大家对张江这个地区和这个群体的关注,通过漫画的手段真实地反映张江男女的工作和生活。我的设想是,在半年以后,大家都会说:‘嗨,你今天穿得很像张江男呀。’” 对于“Happy张江”这个设想里所传达出的讯息,不少张江人表示认可。他们认为,张江这片高新科技产业园区,因为聚集了大量理工科毕业生,尤其是大量IT从业人员,已经日趋培养出特有的张江文化。这从张江人的穿着、谈吐等各方面均有所体现。因此,无论“Happy张江”所打造的张江男是时尚还是老土,如果漫画形象能够为大家所广泛熟知和认可,未尝不是对张江文化的一种推广。