
天使投资唐 发表于 2014-2-12 07:45:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
国内开发什么技术平台=#创业者谎言#,国内都弄不好,别想走出去!我认识Ruby的日本创始人 //@白云在线:国內的Linux开发真是悲哀,其它的也好象没有具影响力的开源免费项目如ubuntu,android,ruby,ruby on rails等等 //唐: 创业投资不为钱是很伟大,你们比我伟大。Linux赚到钱只有Redhat,我老早认识Redhat创始人,但与我合作的红旗Linux和国内Linux都全军覆没 //@MyXCoin: 中本聪也许不懂如何赚钱,但可能他发明比特币根本就不为赚钱,就像当年Torvalds 只是因为MINIX的授权机制让他上火,认为这限制人们对计算机的使用于是开发了免费开源的Linux。今天Linux的产业链多大?产生的价值几何?//唐: 我自认不懂比特币 不懂就不做不投,但其发明者也未必看懂如何赚钱。国内很多看阿里疯长,都一窝蜂投资创业电商,引导全国最多创业失败,阿里获利!如果你懂,那么恭喜你!//环保龙大侠:兄台 参加过好几次你中粮大厦讲座 很喜欢你微博很多的真知灼见 但是比特币这事 评论之前还是自己深入研究下 不要人云亦云

GNU-Linux & BSD Logo Zoo & Extinct Species (A Tribute to Discontinued Distros)
lunes, 18 de abril de 2011
The Extinct Species of My GNU/Linux & BSD Logo Zoo (A Tribute to Discontinued Distros)
After making my little GNU/Linux and BSD Logo Zoo yesterday, a strange question came to my mind:
What about the distros that could have been in my zoo but are not there because they were discontinued before I got the chance to know about them?

Thus, as a tribute to those distros that someone developed with effort and that helped others in the past, I made a chart of the "Extinct Species" in my imaginary zoo:
Then, I noticed something. With some minor exceptions, the extinct distros from the "World Species" section and the "Aquarium" correspond to endangered species indeed. That's really a strange coincidence! Does that explain why there isn't any Triceratops Linux or Plesiosaur Linux?

That was quite fun to think about, but while I was browsing the Web today, I stumbled upon an article that describes what apparently is happening to animals at Kiev Zoo. That is terrible news, especially if you are an animal lover. I hope that situation may be corrected while the animals in that place are still alive.

Publicado por Megatotoro en 14:10 1 comentario:
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
Visit My GNU/Linux (& BSD) Logo Zoo and See How Many Distros You can Name!
Some people think that GNU/Linux is only one Operating System. Others think that "Linux" is the only UNIX Operating System derivative but BSD must not be forgotten. Both GNU/Linux and BSD include a lot of different OSs in their respective families. While Linux has Tux (a penguin) as its mascot, BSD has Daemon (a little devil). Interestingly, many of the OSs in both families are identified by logos representing animals. Thus, I made this little zoo with the logos of as many distros as I could find to illustrate the great variety of Operating Systems available to choose.

Is your favorite distro in my logo zoo? Also, how many distros can you identify?
Remember: My zoo only includes the distros whose logo is an animal. Sorry if I skipped your distro!
By the way, I took the logos from Distrowatch.

History of Linux distributions (DISTRO)
http://linuxhere.wordpress.com/h ... stributions-distro/

Linux distro in terms, surely is the word that is not foreign to us Linux users, whether long or beginners. There are so many Linux distributions that have been circulating in the world of the Operating System.

You would never think “what distro it first came out?”. According to information I received, the oldest is the MCC Interim distribution that was developed in 1992. Then the parent of the MCC Interim Linux Distro (1992), Debian (1993) and RedHat (1994).

For more details, you can look at the picture below:

Which linux distribution is best for you?
If you are new to linux and are looking to try it out, you can use this online utility to give you more information to make an informed decision. The Linux Distribution Chooser is an on line application where you have to answer series of questions related to your needs, which also includes questions on your knowledge of Linux and type of OS you are looking for and depending on your answers the application will gives you a list of recommendations on the Linux distributions that best suits your needs.

There are four main distributions available to choose from:
Debian, Gentoo, RedHat, Slackware

Each one has it’s own derivative distribution which are more specific to certain needs; the complete map can be seen here;
Here is a complete list of the distributions available: Linux Distributions
A comparision of all of the linux distributions can be found here: Comparison of Linux Distributions

Choose wisely grasshopper… and remember, if one distribution does not suit your needs, ask in the forums of each distro for advise. Most seasoned linux users will be more than happy to provide you with information to guide you in the correct direction. Use the live cd’s to test the ones which may best suit your needs and don’t be afraid to make changes. Linux is all about experience, learning and having fun while being prductive.


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