
天使投资唐 发表于 2013-9-17 18:01:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

美利坚小姐Miss America印度裔Nina Davuluri,击败台裔李万晴夺冠!Twitter马上哗然!种族歧视她是黑皮肤的#恐怖分子#,基地小姐!Nina是首位印度裔桂冠。看美国保守地区发最多种族歧视的Tweets,不要在这红色地区定居!但我获明州商业领导奖,奥巴马当选总统,美国商界和政界没种族歧视,只歧视弱智!

第一位亚裔美利坚小姐Miss America是01年的菲律宾裔,Nina是第二位亚裔。

Where Americans Tweet Messages of Hate
MAY 10, 2013

fascinating, if depressing, maps today of the "geography of hate" across America.The interactive maps are based on a keyword search of geotagged tweets. Students from Humboldt State checked each tweet for a negative, positive, or neutral connotation, ultimately identifying more than 150,000 hateful tweets with this location info. Each negative tweet was totaled by county and then normalized by comparing that to the county's total tweets, enabling the Floating Sheep geographers to identify places with "disproportionately high amounts" of hateful tweets.

The researchers point out that hateful tweets are broadly distributed, writing that: "when viewing the map at a broad scale, it's best not to be covered with the blue smog of hate, as even the lower end of the scale includes the presence of hateful tweeting activity." They add that there are clear and distressing pockets of hate tweets, and conclude:

Ultimately, some of the slurs included in our analysis might not have particularly revealing spatial distributions. But, unfortunately, they show the significant persistence of hatred in the United States and the ways that the open platforms of social media have been adopted and appropriated to allow for these ideas to be propagated.
In May 2011, I wrote about the geography of hate groups at The Atlantic. At the time, I found hate groups (as opposed to hate speech or hate tweets) to be concentrated in Montana and Mississippi, as well as Arkansas, Wyoming, and Idaho. The Northeast, Great Lakes, and the West Coast had far smaller concentrations of hate groups. I also found hate groups to follow "the more general sorting of America by politics and ideology, religion, education, income levels, and class."

Here's their map for racism:


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