
天使投资唐 发表于 2013-4-4 19:01:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
薛蛮子 天使投资第一人

徐小平 真格基金创始人,新东方共同创始人,著名天使投资人
A friend of mine who has been doing angel investment for many years told me: “Angel investing is somewhat a thankless task. Projects tend to die the fastest, succeed the last... ...” His words, told the glory and the depressed sides of angel investors. The glorious side is that angel investment is the startup capital of all startups. It's the roots of the wealth of great companies such as Google, facebook. The depressed side is that angel investment must have patience, kindness and love. If you want to make quick money, do not do angel investment. If you want to have the wildest dreams with the most outstanding young people in China, don't miss out on angel investment! Mr. Victor Tong's new book is certainly one of the earliest monograph about angel investment in China. Look forward to “Angel Investor Tong”'s new book. It will attract more people to join the ranks of angel investment to help more Chinese entrepreneurs to realize their dreams.

雷军 小米公司董事长兼CEO,著名天使投资人
Angel investment is the biggest driving force for innovation!

周鸿祎 奇虎360公司董事长兼CEO,著名天使投资人
Angel investors put money, though not too much, time, energy as well as know-how and lessons of the industry into young ventures, giving a hand to these entrepreneurs so as to help them stay away from being trapped or getting lost. It is a fulfilling job by itself to help someone become successful. From a social perspective, Angel investment encourages young people to make success by establishing businesses with their talents and hard work, rather than relying on their parents. This job is nothing else but promoting a healthy cycle of the wealth, bringing great and positive social meaning.

孙陶然 拉卡拉电子支付公司董事长兼总裁
To be an angel investor is the best way for entrepreneurs to repay the society!

查立 起点创业投资基金创始合伙人
Mr. Tong's sharing and guiding to early stage entrepreneurs is very rare, very sincere, very precious.

曾玉 和玉私募股权复合基金合伙人
Angel investment is a pursuit of ideal and a way to support young people's life-style!

杨宁 超级天使投资人,ChinaRen共同创始人,空中网共同创始人
No matter how large or small of a business, every entrepreneur is worthy of respect. Because he is fighting for their ideals. Highly recommend readers to read this book to understand the present situation of angel investment in China and use its help to realize their ideals.

户才和 好投网创始人兼主编
Exploring in the field of angel investors over the past three years by HowVC.com tells me that China is really in great need for universal type of books. Regardless for entrepreneurs and for the wealthy who want to enter the field of angel investment, it is essential for the understanding and the establishment of rules of the game that can be mutually abide to. Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that many people often like to force the other party to accept rules conceived by themselves or rules that are more conducive for themselves to transact. Such deal not only is very difficult to close, but also often a waste valuable time for both the investors and the entrepreneurs. If there is a book that tells investors and entrepreneurs rules of the game that both sides must abide by, it will greatly reduce the social costs of angel investment deals! Although there are many well-known investors always talking about their angel investment experiences, careful observation is not difficult to find out that many of whom are always trying to generalize their own successful experience achieved under certain circumstances. In fact, their talk is not as realistic as Victor. Ha-ha!

周哲 天使投资人,Google 103号员工,2012年度十大新锐天使

莫天全 房网创始人兼董事长
As an entrepreneur who had lead SouFuncom from scratch to NYSE, I experienced all the hardship and happiness in the process. Angel investors contributed a lot to my company. I am sure Victor's new book Angel Investment will not only benefit entrepreneurs but also angel investors. Angel Investment will guide both entrepreneurs and angel investors in their working relationships.



陈雷应 高盖茨律师事务所合伙人
Yes or no? Angel or devil? The angel that commands the money, or the devil that is dictated by money? Money's life. Life's money. Take a good look at how Victor walked right through.

董丛飞 天翼华为(北京)国际科技有限公司董事长兼总裁

Derek Elmer I-OnAsia公司CEO
Angel investment in China is about smart intelligence combined with forth vision, in addition to thinking out of the box to due diligence processes, leaving no stone unturned.

高原兰 上海高胜行投资咨询有限公司总经理

龚文祥 华强北在线副总裁,华南电商代表人物

韩复龄 中央财经大学金融学院应用金融系主任、博士生导师
Angel investment is a new investment model. This book tells you how to conduct detailed research in business plans, how to enrich the investing and fund raising techniques, how to build an investing and financing team, and how to identify the flowers and pitfalls along the path of investing and financing.

何庆源 旻华投资董事长,2012年度十大新锐天使

黄海燕 张江孵化器经营管理有限公司总经理
With my decade's experience running a platform dedicating to the Entrepreneurship Service, Incubators so far are the Angels for real. Angels are most treasured because of their experience, social networks, market channels and wisdom of seeing through a start-up, rather than the volume of capital they are holding. What the angels are doing is helping the promising start-ups to settle up their strategy, to raise their value, and therefore, to realize their dreams! And to the start-ups: I believe you will understand your Angels better after reading Angel Investment!

麦刚 创业工场创始人,著名天使投资人

李朝应 汉坤律师事务所合伙人
To find angel investors, read Angel Investment. To do angel investment, read Angel Investment. The ups and downs related to angel investment are all in Angel Investment!

David Lee 前谷歌员工,XG创投合伙人,韩国电信资本投资合伙人,Y Combinator有限合伙人, SV Angels Fund有限合伙人
Based on Victor's long experiences of being a savvy angel investor in China, this book could provide lots of
insight into the entrepreneurial and early stage investment scene in China. Both Korean and Chinese
investors could benefit from this veteran insider's point of view.

李大诚 凯威莱德国际律师事务所,亚洲管理合伙人兼大中华区基金投资业务主管
To angel investors, investing money is not the real challenge; instead, it is investing one's time, energy,
and trust into a company, team or individual that is the “big deal.” Angel investors harness his/her own
experience to help another entrepreneur to succeed is the greatest investment of all. There is a type of
“high” and “faith” of it all. If there is success, the angel investor is rewarded with a sense of
accomplishment and while wealth creation is certainly gratifying, it ranks second (because an angel investor
by definition has money). Angel Investment written by Victor Tong is a worthwhile reading because it
explores all of the highs (and lows) of angel investing.

李竹 悠视网创始人兼CEO

刘成城 36氪CEO兼联合创始人 程涵 36氪高级编辑,TEDx大使
As a tech blog focusing on internet startup, we have been really caring for every aspect about internet
startup. We are marveled with and inspired by those great products and ideas. However, all of these are not
about the entrepreneurs alone, but with an Angel investor as well. Besides unruly innovation and crazy
courage, the person needs the most profound insight and the most abiding patience. If the entrepreneur is
realizing the dream, then the Angel investor helps discovering the glory.

刘纲 深圳创投华北京津地区总经理
The big shots in venture capital once said that investing is an art. It can be sensed but cannot be
explained in words. During my 12 years practicing in venture capital, especially in the past five years, I
invested in 26 companies, including 7 IPO and 11 ready to go public. From the growth experience of many
early stage enterprises to go through rapid developments and to realize IPO, and the failures that we have
encountered in some of the early stage investment projects, I am deeply aware of the fact that
entrepreneurial and investment activities all have experiences and patterns to follow. Of course, there also
exists the inspiration and intuition based on the accumulated experience and rational analysis. Although
angel investment looks to be very much “purely imaginary”, but angel investment still has its intrinsic
value attributes. I think the value chain of angel investment is: the evaluation and judgment of new
business opportunities and the team that can grasp business opportunities, matching investment and
follow-up value-added services. Angel Investment has carried out description and analysis that are
creative and inspirational in its area. It provides a valuable knowledge base and practical guidance for
later researchers and practitioners. Per our enthusiastic appraisal and appreciation of Mr. Victor Tong's
pioneering efforts, we look forward to having more comprehensive, deep, and thorough theoretical
understanding of entrepreneurship and investment activities.

刘小鹰 中国长远控股有限公司主席兼CEO,天使投资人
天使投资是创业初期的第一笔钱。你自己投或找人投,都叫天使投资。 12年前,Amazon刚上市,美国有一家CommerceOne电

凌代鸿 香港兆迪控股有限公司董事长,2012年度十大新锐天使

栾璞 中国旧车网创始人

邱斯宇 砂丘天使董事
A good Angel investors must have passion working with startup founders. When we see a good business plan or
a great team, we will give our best recommendations and make introductions to people in our network that can
add value. A smart founder knows what Angel investors can bring much more than just money. From investor
point of view, we are looking for a determined and daring team members with a lot of skin in the game and
strong technical capability.

全玉竹 中国医学科学院整形外科医院注射美容中心创始人

苏国京 思源心基金创始人,中国彩票行业沙龙创始人

孙飞 上海诚予信息技术有限公司总经理

孙伟 北京航空航天大学软件学院院长,北京软件行业协会执行会长

Angel investor Victor Tong is also a successful entrepreneur. His merging of Chinese and Western cultures
and personal entrepreneurial experience is a rare precious wealth for generations of entrepreneurs.

唐仪 太平洋投资管理有限公司董事长
When you lose all your money, what's left is called experience! You may lose some but you keep on fighting.
Victor has paid expensive lessons and gained real battle-field experiences on the frontline of Angle
Investment in China. Ancient Chinese proverb says “Reading books can lead you to golden houses”. I believe
this is a must-read for start-up entrepreneurs and angel investors!

童玮亮 戈壁投资董事总经理

Rob Trice 韩国电信资本高级董事兼总经理
Victor Tong continually provides valuable insights, based on his unique and down-to-earth, real world
experiences as both an entrepreneur and an investor in Silicon Valley and Asia. He has a lot to teach us.

涂鸿川 高原资本创业投资董事总经理

王文明 首华财经网络集团有限公司董事局主席

王学宗 联友电讯(集团)董事长

许嘉荣 嘉丰资本创始合伙人

熊伟铭 贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金合伙人

杨海涛 二十一世纪天使资本投资总监,创业影院创始人
Mr. Victor Tong was one of the first angel investors to “evangelize” at our Venture Cinema. The difference
between him and the majority of angel investors was during the evaluation of the projects. In addition to
commentating on the good and the bad about the project, he was always enthusiastic to give entrepreneurs
some very pertinent proposals to raise funds. Such as “how to devise the shareholding ratio among the
management team”,“to consider the actual situation of the current venture capital market, and raise funds a
little later”. Unlike most investors, Mr. Victor Tong is more like your friend. He lived in the United
States for many years, and he maintained a unique sincerity. He sometimes speak particularly directly. He
has many years of practical experience in venture capital. He has in-depth understanding of the concepts
and the theories of various angel investment. He is willing to tell you his own experiences. He is willing
to help you and your ventures to succeed. At the Venture Cinema, we have organized dozens of entrepreneurial
business matching. Most entrepreneurs' impression of “Angel Investment” was stuck at the media publicized
mythical stage of “10 minutes to raise 10 million investment.” Help entrepreneurs to understand “Angel
Investment.” Help them to have a more accurate assessment of themselves and their projects. It has also been
the direction that our Venture Cinema has been striving for. Thanks to Mr. Victor Tong's efforts in this!
This is a good book. I hope everyone will like it.

俞允备 塞拉利昂风险投资公司董事兼总经理
Angel investment has always been an important part of the venture capital eco-system. Many of the great
companies, including Google, were made possible because of angel investments initially. Though high risk, it
provides huge upside potential as well. I see angel investment to increase in the next decade, driven by
several favorable macro trends.

余晨 易宝支付副总裁
Angel investment isn't just about investing money, but it is investing trust, passion, and guidance. It
isn't only about providing capital for entrepreneurs, but it is more about giving wings to their dreams. I
believe that “Angel Investment” by Mr. Victor Tong will bring the crucial push for entrepreneurs and angel
investors to take off.

袁国富 华源科技协会执行董事
Victor demonstrated his successful entrepreneurship track records in the USA. His book provides a
comprehensive approach to Angel Investment, a fast growing industry in China. HYSTA looks forward to host
his book launch event in the Silicon Valley.

湛炜标 腾讯投资并购部副总经理
The current mature angel investment environment is a very important part of the overall national innovation
system in the USA. I believe that angel investments in the near future will shine brilliantly in China.
“Made in China” will truly become “Created in China.”

张骥 医药行业资深投资人,2012年度十大新锐天使

张天民 梅菲尔德基金董事兼总经理
Mr. Tong has created a terrific resource for aspiring angel investors and seed stage entrepreneurs daring to
play in the Wild, Wild East that is China!

张永琪 环球天下集团总裁

黄启明 硅谷中国无线科技协会会长,北京博大创新天使投资管理有限公司总经理
Angel investment that funded the Silicon Valley in the United States is pushing forward the innovation in

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