
李明铭larry 发表于 2013-9-6 09:13:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Edited from Page 2 Angel Investment Author Victor Tong, all rights reserved

There’s a saying “tough things don’t last, tough people do” , venturing is a tough process, but it shouldn’t be able to destroy our will. Success is rare, failure is common. We can not step back when tough things come.

1995, I quit from Accenture, a well-paid management consulting firm in US, to devote myself to starting up business. Many people call me fool, jumping from a good job to an uncertain road by myself. I start from zero to going public to selling all shares (NASDAQ: PACT), all of which is due to my confidence! I believe, working hard and perseverance will make my dream happen!

Entrepreneur needs to be mentally tough and confident to face and deal with all the difficulties coming ahead. Actually, there would be a lot more than you can imagine.

Usually, 80% of the new companies will close down in three years in US, similar as China. The % will be even higher if it is in red sea. Good project=1% concept+ 98%execution +1% luck. In this way, do not count too much on your idea alone.

Watching the trend/new tech, understanding the consumers/clients, and leveraging the earnings to expand would not be a bad idea.

Confidence and toughness would help you along the way, without fear to giant. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg start from nothing, but they pulled the legs of IBM, SONY and Myspace. Keep up the good work, your days might come.   


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