
天使投资唐 发表于 2015-3-25 23:52:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
安卓占全球智能手机市场>80%,但只占11%利润;苹果却占行业88.7%利润,一年前只占70.5%。谷歌不靠安卓赚钱,但三星 华为 小米 联想等都在血拼占这安卓还在缩小的利润饼!

一财网 吴丰恒 2015-01-07 22:28:00


工信部官方数据显示,去年1~11月,我国电子信息产品进出口总额同比下降1.6%,出口总体同比持平,出口之中,电子器件降幅较大,同比下降了19.0 %,而其余类别均呈增长态势。外贸整体形势相比之前有所改善。

2015年02月28日 来源:手机中国
  据市场研究机构Strategy Analytics最新报告,在2014年四季度,苹果已获得智能手机行业88.7%的利润,而一年之前苹果的比重只有70.5%。于此同时,整个Android手机厂商仅获得行业利润的11.3%。
报告:苹果独大 已占智能机行业89%利润
报告:苹果独大 已占智能机行业89%利润

苹果Q4占智能机行业利润93% 三星下滑至9%
2015年02月11日 凤凰数码
凤凰数码讯 2月11日消息,据手机中国报道,市场调研公司Canaccord Genuity发布的最新报告显示,四季度苹果占智能手机行业利润的93%。该机构还将苹果公司的目标价格从135美元提升至145美元。


Canaccord Genuity分析师Mike Walkley表示,市场数据显示,在iPhone 6升级周期内,转换使用iPhone 6系列的用户数字还会进一步增长。同时他还预测,到2018年,会有1/3的智能手机用户使用iPhone手机。

Apple Took 89% Of Q4 Smartphone Profits With Android OEMs In A Race To The Bottom
Feb 26, 2015  http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/26/apple-eating-all-the-profits
Google’s Android has gobbled up market share world wide, now accounting for over 80% of all smartphone shipped globally. But when it comes to actually making money, Apple is eating all the profits as it continues its focus on premium devices. Today Strategy Analytics said that Apple in Q4 last year accounted for 89% of all smartphone profits, equating to $18.8 billion, with Android taking only 11%, or $2.4 billion.

The blow for Android is softened only slightly less so only by the fact that other platform players like Microsoft, Blackberry and Firefox seemingly made no profit at all.
The figures given here relate to profits generated by handset makers, not the services ecosystem and potential profits made by app publishers and others, which, of course, includes Google itself, which adds new users of for its mobile search business, mobile ads business and other apps with each unforked Android sale.

Overall, smartphone handset profits were up 31.4% compared to the same quarter a year ago.
When it comes to who is performing best among Android OEMs, the results speak of the growing competition for Samsung.
Neil Mawson, research director for Strategy Analytics, says the “three big profit drivers” for Android are Samsung, Huawei and Xiaomi.

“Samsung is the Android giant that delivers most of Android’s smartphone profits worldwide,” he tells me. Mawston says the company is not breaking out exact shares, except to say that “Samsung accounted for well over half of all Android smartphone profits globally in Q4 2014.”

As a point of comparison, in 2013, Samsung accounted for 95% of Android profits. That was a time where there was significantly more parity between Apple and the Korean handset maker both in terms of unit sales and revenues, with Apple accounting for “only” 57% of profit at the time.

It’s not too surprising that Apple — which last quarter had the most profitable company of any quarter, ever — is dominating in smartphone profits, but what is striking is just how wide the gulf has become.

The bigger picture seems to be that Android handset makers are in something of a race to the bottom at this point: the markets that are driving growth in smartphone adoption these days are emerging economies, where consumers are price sensitive. That’s leading to the production of a number of models that are pushing down the average sale price for devices, which long ago dropped below the $100 mark.

Apple may have missed the boat (so far) when it comes critical mass in market share in these developing markets, but it has more than made up for it by making a killing in places where it is strong. China is one such crossover example. While there is clearly a market for lower-cost and Android devices, Apple has been posting record sales in the country, reporting sales of $16 billion in the country in Q4. (China is not — yet — however overtaking Apple’s sales in markets like the U.S.)

In the world of smartphones, Android’s gains do not equal Apple’s loss. But Android’s gains might translate into Android losses down the line, Strategy Analytics notes.
“Apple’s strategy of premium products and lean logistics is proving hugely profitable,” Mawston writes in the report. “Android’s weak profitability for its hardware partners will worry Google. If major smartphone manufacturers, like Samsung or Huawei, cannot make decent profits from the Android ecosystem, they may be tempted in the future to look at alternative platforms such as Microsoft, Tizen or Firefox.”

http://macdailynews.com/2015/03/ ... d-around-the-world/
Apple iPhone takes smartphone market share from Android around the world
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The latest smartphone sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, for the three months ending in January 2015, show that Apple’s iOS reached its highest ever share in urban China with one in every four smartphones sold being an iPhone.
“Leading into Chinese New Year, Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus drove sales to an unprecedented high in urban China with iOS’ share of the smartphone market reaching 25.4% – a 4.5 percentage point increase over the same period in 2014,” reported Carolina Milanesi, chief of research at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. “Across key global markets Apple’s momentum generally continued from last month, although Android was able to slow down the decrease in share in some countries such as Germany, Spain and France where its sales had started to look like they were in free fall.”  

“In urban China, Apple iPhone 6 was the best selling phone in the three months ending in January with a share of 9.5%,” explained Tamsin Timpson, strategic insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech Asia. “Xiaomi had several smartphones in the top 10 chart with the RedMi Note its best selling device and the second most popular product behind the iPhone 6 which has a share of 8.9%”. Over the past three months, Apple continued to close the gap with Xiaomi, which remained the leading brand in urban China but with only a 2.2 percentage point advantage.

Across Europe, Android’s share declined by 2.2 percentage points year-on-year to 67.2% while iOS rose by 3.2 percentage points. “Great Britain was once again the market that recorded the sharpest drop in Android share.” said Dominic Sunnebo, business unit director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech Europe. “However, a more stable performance by Samsung was able to hold share quarter-on-quarter and an improved performance by Motorola and HTC helped overall Android sales.” In Britain, Samsung’s Galaxy S5 was the second best selling smartphone with a share of 8.0%, just under half that of the iPhone 6 at 17.6%. The iPhone 6 was also the best selling smartphone in France, Germany, Italy and Japan.

For the three months ending in January 2015, 13.9% of iOS customers in the US switched over from an Android device – up from 12.1% in the three-month ending in December.

“As vendors flocked to Mobile World Congress this week to showcase their latest products it is noticeable how many have decided to focus on the mid-tier as success at the high-end appears more and more unattainable,” Milanesi concluded. “However, while mid-tier consumers might be more accessible than high-end ones, manufacturers will have to work harder than ever to stand out in an increasingly crowded marketplace.”

Smartphone OS Sales Share (%) for 3 months ending (m/e) January 2015 vs. 3 m/e Jan 2014

Kantar Worldpanel ComTech Smart Phone MarketShare by Country

http://www.geekwire.com/2015/gar ... ing-fourth-quarter/
Gartner: iPhones outsold Samsung worldwide during fourth quarter
March 3, 2015 at 10:52 am

2014Q4 Worldwide Smartphone market share

Apple’s massive fourth quarter was enough to propel the company to the top of the worldwide market share charts, according to numbers released today by Gartner. The Cupertino-based company sold 74.8 million iPhones around the world during the quarter, making up 20.4 percent of the market, the most of any smartphone manufacturer.

Samsung came in a close second, selling slightly more than 73 million units. Those numbers are a massive difference from the same period in 2013, when Samsung sold more than 83 million units to Apple’s 50.2 million units. The company’s share of the worldwide market for the quarter plummeted by almost 10 percentage points from 29.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2014 to 19.9 percent during the same period in 2014.

Xiaomi, the rising star of China’s smartphone industry, saw the biggest gains during the quarter, selling almost 18.6 million units during Q4 2014, compared to almost 5.6 million units during the year-ago quarter. For now, the company’s phones aren’t available in the U.S., but it’s gearing up for a broader expansion. Xiaomi offered review units of the Mi Note, its latest flagship, to a number of U.S. media outlets, and its reviews have been largely positive.

Quarterly results aside, Samsung’s sales for the full year still topped Apple’s – the Korean company sold almost 308 million units, while iPhone sales reached almost 191.5 million units. Samsung’s overall chunk of worldwide market share eroded significantly, though. Sales of its handsets made up 24.7 percent of the market in 2014, compared to 30.9 percent in 2013.

There’s good news for smartphone makers overall in these numbers – sales for the year almost topped 1.25 billion units, up from almost 970 million units during the same period a year ago, showing that there’s still room for growth in the smartphone business.


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