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李明铭larry 发表于 2013-7-20 20:00:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

想象一个情景,购物之后,你走过收银台,对着摄像头一看,即时显示你的ID,按一下确认就可以自动完成付款,并离开。是不是很方便? UNIQUL的创新,聚焦在安全、便利,再加上,有趣的元素吧。创新的点子,往往也就在于一个小小的切入点,例如当年的支付宝(网络购物的支付中介),POS机和VISA Master(方便刷卡),较新的手机钱包,NFC芯片付款(类似交通卡,不过嵌入在手机里)。其他行业,也可以引申出各种小创意,而最最重要的创意迸发点,我认为是消费者需求,消费者消费升级,消费者效率提升,从用户的角度来想,加上一定的行业经验和执行团队,才有机会创新,进而创业。脸部识别技术已久,但是背后的识别点加密技术(譬如很多笔记本就难以识别真人还是照片...),此支付技术的推广应用收费模式,消费者接纳程度,还是需要资本在背后推动进行探险式的试验。


Uniqul 是一家芬兰的初创公司,他们已经对申请了专利的unique支付系统完成测试,免去了消费者在商店内进行支付时的很多安全隐患。在 Uniqul 的系统中,你的脸就是你的密码。
这家公司准备尽快在赫尔辛基地区铺设它的终端。事实上它的运行机制听起来很简单:在对交易进行确认支付的时刻,用户仅需要把脸对着摄像头,等着他们的 ID 显示出来,然后在平板显示屏上点击 "OK" 便可完成支付确认。整个过程无需支付卡、钱包、手机——这表明该系统会把你的 ID 以及你的支付方式等细节储存到服务器上。Uniqul 说你可以用任何支付系统进行注册,从 PayPal 到传统银行卡,而且这些数据会通过“军用级”数据加密


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天使投资唐 发表于 2013-7-22 14:52:35 | 显示全部楼层
但电子货币被黑客盗窃,保密用:密码 信用/银行磁条卡/IC卡 U盾 指纹识别 语音识别 NFC 网佳手机支付用信令通道等,如今芬兰初创公司UNIQUL发明刷脸支付

有些识别指纹的相机会被指纹照片愚弄,好的指纹安全有红外线识别手指是热的。所以用普通的笔记本刷脸难以识别真人还是照片,此支付技术的推广应用收费模式,消费者接纳程度,还是需要资本在背后长期推动进行探险式的试验。周6/日/1/2北广深沪沙龙 //@何磊V:容貌会变,刷脸不靠谱啊,整容了怎么办[疑问]

网佳,硅谷无线协会,亦庄国际于8月21日在亦庄举办创业大赛初赛,然后23日在北京MacWorldAsia.com大会里举办决赛,总奖金10万,头奖包括价值4万元去硅谷见识。有意展示项目的请报名北广深沪沙龙27/28/29/30日 http://t.cn/zTiOB8J,或直接Email项目介绍去bp AT webplus点com
#创业成长退出上市沙龙#北广深沪27/28/29/30日,6月解析商业计划书、7月这次解析:创始股东合资协议、投资意向书Term Sheet、投资协议,合伙人相互与投资者博弈。钱是没有无条件的,创业者的取舍;项目是没有无风险的,合伙人和投资者要注意什么。我会分享操作过的协议和其后法律纠纷 http://t.cn/zTiOB8J
欢迎用邀请码http://t.cn/zY8CLA4 免费加入Webplus.com会员。关注网站【活动中心】在北上广深的#创业成长退出上市沙龙#等活动,参与【论坛】里的创业投资等讨论!谢谢!

The History of Money - Past, Present and Future
JUNE 15, 2011 5:00 AM PT  By Andrew Green
As the popular saying goes, “Money makes the world go round.” As long as there are products to consume, a monetary system will be needed to enable the trade of these goods. Taking a glimpse into our ancestors’ methods provides us with an interesting history lesson to help us understand why our currency methods are ever evolving.

Before capitalism came into existence, our ancestors relied on bartering to secure the goods and services they needed to keep their families healthy and happy. But it wasn’t long before they realized the need for a currency system.
As depicted on “The History of Money” infographic, the first formal form of currency was cowry shells, all the way back in 1200 BC. Over time, the currency evolved as humankind developed new technologies and increased its knowledge. From shells to metals and then paper, more durable and convenient methods rose in popularity.

Paper money and coins still exist but plastic, in the form of credit cards and debit cards, has proven to be the most popular monetary device in the 21st century. In fact, according to a study published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in January 2010, there are 609.8 million credit cards held by consumers in the U.S. alone.
The first credit card, the Diners Club card, was developed in 1950, making the need to carry cash not as important as it had been. With more consumers than ever carrying plastic, when will paper and coin currency be a thing of the past?

Soon - this summer, in fact - consumers will no longer need to carry paper, coins or plastic to make their purchases! With the upcoming launch of Google Wallet and ClearXChange, consumers will be able to use their handy smartphones when they’re on the go to pay for their purchases.
It’s amazing to see all of the changes that have taken place over the centuries. As our knowledge and technological capabilities continue to evolve and improve, even the smartphone apps will one day be an archaic monetary method!


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