
天使投资唐 发表于 2014-2-27 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
全球最大比特币交易市场Mt.Gox网站无法登陆,传闻已申请破产,Bitcoin价格一个月由一千跌到一百多美元。据称黑客用我上次说Mt.Gox软件里的Bug窃取了该网站74.4万个比特币~=比特币总流通量6%~=几亿美元。用户在东京总部静坐示威,日本警方已介入。Coinbase和BTC China还在力挺比特币

我虽然不懂Bitcoin,但我比国内很多所谓的比特币专家都懂国际银行金融体系,我十年+前与纽约合伙人尝试做过类似 PayPal网上支付或 Bitcoin的交易市场,我们去了加勒比海岛国很多次,无法申请SWIFT代码,不仅是钱的问题,而是支付公司或银行诚信的问题。没代码用户无法汇钱存入账户

SWIFT Code 代码:是【Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication】“环球同业银行金融电讯协会” 的英文简称。凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT CODE。SWIFT地址是一个8或11位的字符串,是一个银行在国际上的识别号码。SWIFT地址又被称为BIC(银行识别码)。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。
SWIFT的编号规则一般是8位或11位,前四位为某银行代码,如中行是BKCH, 紧接着四位是国别及地区代码,如中国北京是CNBJ,后面可能会有3位的数字或字母代码,一般是指具体的分支行。
统一的格式,如:BKCH CN BJ 110
各行的Swift Code可以在上面网站上查到: http://www.swift.com/bsl/index.faces

City heading(城市名称);
BIC code Institution(银行名)
Branch name(分行、支行名称)
国内的可以在BIC code institution 里:
输入 BKCHCNBJ 查中国银行各城市详细SWIFT。123Branch 长春: 西安大路BKCHCNBJ85A, BKCHCNBJ840
输入 PCBCCNBJ 查中国建设行各城市详细SWIFT。117Branch长春: PCBCCNBJJLX
输入ABOCCNBJ 查中国农行各城市详细SWIFT。46Branch长春: ABOCCNBJ070
输入 CMBCCNBS 查招商银行各城市详细SWIFT。
输入 SZDBCNBS 查广东发展银行各城市详细SWIFT。

IBAN是指国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会( European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)安装其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应的IBAN号码。可以联系你的开户行获取IBAN号码。IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。

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@新浪财经:【全球最大比特币网站申请破产 比特币应声大跌】由于系统漏洞损失大量比特币而无法弥补,比特币交易平台Mt.Gox已申请破产保护。受此消息影响,比特币价格大跌,市场对该交易平台的信心也受到侵蚀。从今年年初开始,比特币大体上一直处于下降态势。此外,比特币交易量也大大下滑。http://t.cn/8FunAoq
比特币交易平台Mt.Gox正走向破产,其网站已无法登录。Mt.Gox总部位于日本东京,曾为世界最大的比特币交易平台,一度占据全球比特币交易量的80%。由于系统漏洞损失大量比特币而无法弥补,Mt.Gox已经申请破产保护。其CEO 也在博客中宣布退出比特币基金会。据悉,这个系统漏洞去年夏季就已出现,本月变得更加严重,之前Mt.Gox已停止所有客户取现。受此消息影响,比特币价格出现大跌,而且市场对该交易平台的信心也受到侵蚀。其实从今年年初开始,比特币大体上就一直处于下降态势。此外,比特币交易量也大大幅下滑。

@新浪科技:【多名用户于Mt.Gox东京总部门前静坐示威】著名#比特币#交易平台Mt.Gox疑似破产,多名用户聚集在在其东京总部门口静坐示威。其中一名程序员Kolin Burges花费12小时从伦敦乘飞机到达东京参与示威,还拦住了Mt.Gox CEO询问该交易所是否还持有用户们的75万枚比特币。http://t.cn/8Fujttf

比特币交易市场Mt.Gox刚宣布无限期停盘,说软件里Bug可让公开交易记录被更改,2周前比特币基金会副主席被美国抓,涉嫌帮毒品网站洗钱!之前我发比特币的微博,引起看好做多的 与看淡做空的人对骂,都为切身利益。但做空比特币很难赚钱啊 http://t.cn/8FCH1LH 。为私利我今后也会微博上骂没诚信道德的贱人
如果你最近投机了比特币就悲剧了!中国俄罗斯政府先后宣布全面禁用比特币,苹果刚将最后支持比特币的APP钱包下架!这些导致恐慌 大量出售变现,周五占50%比特币交易市场的Mt.Gox停盘免崩盘,比特币12月初最高点$1245,但周五半天内由$783暴跌到$619。典型Pump & Dump傻投机者遭殃!


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Fis 发表于 2014-2-27 10:49:48 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2014-2-28 01:23:06 | 显示全部楼层
@Ryan_XxOo: 【比特黑众生相】吹空唱空不做空,讲理论道也稀松。我什么都不知道,就是感觉不可靠。老子当初没屯货,所以它是大泡沫。当初没买真后悔,只好现在耍耍嘴。你们赢钱我没赢,这是传销不公平。莫道安全太堪忧,土豪地址任您偷。说崩盘,道风险,三年之后来打脸。

创业《天使投资》在于创新,但要避险!比特币3年后走高或走低与我无关,因为我没做多,也无法做空:      http://bbs.webplus.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5668
我追捧创新,但在不懂不投 或不熟不做的前提下,我们要认清楚比特币最大风险:不是软件Bug,而是无法避免罪犯洗钱和匿名网购毒品枪械,各国ZF+银行体系会继续抵制!//@爱尚比特币: @唐

What can be done if Bitcoin is used for money laundering?
http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com ... or-money-laundering

If a criminal uses Bitcoin to launder his funds, can the bitcoin network stop him from using Bitcoin? Can we close his account?
Depends who "we" is.... –  Thilo Sep 10 '13 at 2:51

Can we close a criminal's account?
The owner of a bitcoin address can move all the money out of the address and then delete all copies of the key pair for the address. This would amount to closing the account, as the likelihood of someone having the same address in the future is infinitesimally small. However, moving bitcoin money out of an address requires either the owner's consent or legal pressure brought bear on the physical human being assumed to own the account. Criminals are adept at avoiding this sort of pressure.

Can we stop criminals using Bitcoin?
This would require network consensus to collectively blacklist a bitcoin address. At current the community would be very unlikely to endorse such a protocol enhancement; as it could be used to tyrannise minority account holders.
If such a consensus was reached, locating criminal accounts would be difficult unless all residual mechanisms of bitcoin anonymity were also outlawed at the protocol level. Might as well rename the currency "1984".
Until bitcoin can be used in large volume to directly purchase food, shelter, safety and bling; criminals wanting to enjoy their ill-gotten gains have to change their bitcoins into a mundane currency like US dollars. Currency exchanges are already improving their recording and accountability to law enforcement officials. So the criminal will need to launder the money through plausible revenue sources before cashing out.

What can we do if Bitcoin is used for money laundering?
Not much
People or businesses could snub money that has come from a proven mixer or other aggregate wallets that don't comply to some auditing standard. But if bitcoin grows to any meaningful size, that is a lot of banking services or aggregate wallets to trace and enforce.
Considering how disposable each bitcoin address is, a botnet could simply create a million temporary accounts; feed the dirty money in at random; mix about like a mesh network of transactions following a plausible traffic pattern; and then spit out clean money.
In the long term, law enforcement will have powerful forensic tools to infer most cases of obvious money laundering. In turn, criminals with the connections and wealth will rent advanced money laundering methods as needed - like they already do in Vegas*.

* If you are suitably paranoid, you have to wonder how many bitcoin casinos have been established specifically to gestate money laundering operations.
It can't be closed, because there is no account. Likewise if he/she were using cash dollars for criminal purposes, it would not be possible to "close his wallet" as if it were some "account".

If a criminal uses Bitcoin to launder his funds, can the bitcoin network stop him from using Bitcoin? Can we close his account?

No one -- not a government, not the Bitcoin core developers -- can "close" a Bitcoin "account" because no central authority has unilateral control to do so. The closest it comes to "closing" an account is deleting the private key to an account, and such could only be done by forcing the holder to do so or tricking them into using a service that compromises their security by not really giving them control of their keys. Included in the latter would be government forcing intermediaries such as exchanges and services to comply and aid.
If someone is laundering money, it is likely necessary to catch them doing the actual illegal act of selling something illegally.

I have a third option: We get rid of Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.
Money laundering has been criminalized in the United States since the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986. Perhaps it's time to reverse that decision.

This isn't too ridiculous, really. Money laundering is only illegal because it aids activities that actually are criminal. Murder with a kitchen knife is illegal but we didn't make all knives illegal! –  Eyal Sep 12 '13 at 12:08
Whether bitcoin goes mainstream (and thus bitcoin owners haven't been wasting their time) depends on the perceived legitimacy of the currency. For governments and communities dealing with actual crime in meatspace, anti-money laundering compliance goes a long way towards reassuring the public that cryptocurrencies follow the democratic consensus of established laws. Whether a country's consensus on a given law & order solution is warranted or is an evidence-based intervention is another question entirely. –  LateralFractal Sep 13 '13 at 0:49

Canada moves to prevent Bitcoin money-laundering
http://news.yahoo.com/canada-mov ... ring-180216941.html
AFP    February 12, 2014 1:02 PM
Japanese authorities are probing the troubled MtGox bitcoin exchange after claims of a multi-million dollar theft from its digital vaults, as US prosecutors reportedly served a subpoena on the company
Ottawa (AFP) - Canada will bring in new anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing laws aimed at preventing abuses of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, the finance minister confirmed Wednesday.

Asked about Bitcoin, a so-called "cryptocurrency" that is gaining in popularity both as an investment and as a way to make online payments, Jim Flaherty said: "We're going to have a look at it."
The Canadian government had announced its plan to tighten rules around the use of virtual currencies in the federal budget a day earlier, but no details were provided.
The budget document said Canada would "address emerging risks, including virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, that threaten Canada's international leadership in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing."
The proposed legislation follows recommendations in a March 2013 report by a senate banking committee.
Unlike other currencies, Bitcoin does not have the backing of a central bank or government.
Instead, units are generated by a complex computer algorithm designed by one or more anonymous people in 2009.
A report last month by the International Institute of Finance (IIF), which represents more than 450 banks and financial institutions, said Bitcoin's future as a broadly accepted exchange medium is limited.
It concluded that more regulation of Bitcoin exchanges and transactions could strengthen its legitimacy among consumers and ease regulators' doubts.
But for the moment, the IIF report said, Bitcoin faces significant resistance.
China and Russia recently cracked down on the use of Bitcoin.
In the United States, New York state signaled plans to become the first jurisdiction to regulate businesses that handle virtual currencies.
Bitcoin's value meanwhile plunged this week after attacks on major exchanges, forcing three to suspend withdrawals.
A technical glitch apparently allowed fraudsters to flood exchanges with duplicate withdrawal requests, allowing them to convert the same Bitcoins twice into traditional currencies.

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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2014-3-6 12:02:10 | 显示全部楼层
全球最大比特币交易网站Mt.Gox因被黑客偷5亿美元宣布破产后,另一交易网站Flexcoin被黑61万美元关门。我相信虚拟货币将来,但怀疑当今比特币交易的技术、系统安全、管理和内控能力!被偷后谁负责?谁保险?跑路谁埋单?如何防止洗钱和犯罪?有监管会更好,但监管赶不上。沙龙讨论网络金融:        http://bbs.webplus.com/plugin.php?id=xj_event:event_center


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Fis 发表于 2014-3-6 12:09:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Fis 于 2014-3-6 12:10 编辑

@Ryan_XxOo: 【比特黑众生相】吹空唱空不做空,讲理论道也稀松。我什么都不知道,就是感觉不可靠。老子当初没屯货,所以它是大泡沫。当初没买真后悔,只好现在耍耍嘴。你们赢钱我没赢,这是传销不公平。莫道安全太堪忧,土豪地址任您偷。说崩盘,道风险,三年之后来打脸。


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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2014-3-7 00:26:06 | 显示全部楼层
Fis 发表于 2014-3-6 12:09
@Ryan_XxOo: 【比特黑众生相】吹空唱空不做空,讲理论道也稀松。我什么都不知道,就是感觉不可靠。老子当初 ...

每个结婚的伴侣都是认为爱情会战胜一切,每个开始创业的也认为智慧 技术和团队会战胜一切的。但我们确实是没考虑很多其他的风险因素,每个人都会面对挫折和失败,我们要复盘、吸取教训、改错、然后再站起来。
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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2014-3-7 00:26:07 | 显示全部楼层
Fis 发表于 2014-3-6 12:09
@Ryan_XxOo: 【比特黑众生相】吹空唱空不做空,讲理论道也稀松。我什么都不知道,就是感觉不可靠。老子当初 ...

每个结婚的伴侣都是认为爱情会战胜一切,每个开始创业的也认为智慧 技术和团队会战胜一切的。但我们确实是没考虑很多其他的风险因素,每个人都会面对挫折和失败,我们要复盘、吸取教训、改错、然后再站起来。
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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2015-4-30 04:38:04 | 显示全部楼层
比特币本身是开源,比较安全。请大家不要以为我唱空比特币,作为《天使投资》本色在于创新,比特币是创新的货币,我当然支持,但是比特币有很多药解决的问题。管理、内控、系统安全、监管、态度傲慢、员工午餐允许400美元。Mt. Gox 东京办公室3层。没有版本控制软件,任何程序员都可覆盖其他程序员,没有测试就上线!网站设计漏洞,12万人受损,1%日本人,99%在其他国家。日本政府没有监管法规和部门。被黑客侵入受损,破产后,谁负责?内鬼?偷了10万?谁负责?谁保险?跑路谁埋单?
比特币是匿名,不可跟踪,Untraceable。主要漏洞,是交易系统问题。但最近由FBI 内部线人私吞比特币被抓后,可以看出,比特币是可以由 Block Chain追踪其交易记录,从而追踪过往交易者的身份。

ANX 港币买比特币。实体店。刚开业有100多个顾客,现在每天20多个顾客。香港比特币交易平台。

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