
天使投资唐 发表于 2014-2-8 18:10:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
首先是中国政府,然后俄罗斯政府宣布全面禁用比特币,苹果刚将最后一个支持比特币的APP钱包(Blockchain.info)下架 iTunes Store!这些导致恐慌,大量出售变现,周五让占50%比特币交易市场的Mt. Gox停盘免崩盘,比特币12月初最高点还是$1245,但周五半天内由$783暴跌到$619,典型Pump & Dump傻投机者遭殃,变为长期持有的股东 bag holder !
BTC China
唐: 抛了就好,没抛就长期持有做股东吧,今年涨一倍有可能,跌一半也有可能//@刘彬:仅有三枚年前已抛,感觉良好[嘻嘻]/@汪满健:我也有比特币,怎办,过年抽红包的[晕]/@于海青:任何投机行为都会有人付诸代价!//@曹增辉/@季绍宇:绝对不是技术停盘,遇到大动荡/@刘锋互联网进化论:用常识可破解科技,金融包裹的迷雾
唐: 如果要有国际货币,所有政权都要稳定和诚信,否则搞到前几年欧洲危机,就是因为希腊等国家入不敷出。RMB也如此,地方ZF也要收支平衡//@田野的阳光:比特总量太少,注定成不了虚拟货币。如果移动终端和互联网安全性最终解决,一定会出现世界性的虚拟货币,不过应该100年后了。世界统一货币,这过程太漫长了
唐: 我自认不懂比特币 不懂就不做不投,但其发明者也未必看懂如何赚钱。国内很多看阿里疯长,都一窝蜂投资创业电商,引导全国最多创业失败,阿里获利!如果你懂,那么恭喜你!//@环保龙大侠:兄台 参加过好几次你中粮大厦讲座 很喜欢你微博很多真知灼见 但是比特币这事 评论前还是自己深入研究下 不要人云亦云
唐: 创业投资不为钱是很伟大,你们比我伟大。Linux赚到钱只有Redhat,我老早认识Redhat创始人,但与我合作的红旗Linux和国内Linux都全军覆没//@MyXCoin:中本聪也许不懂如何赚钱,但他发明比特币根本不为赚钱,就像当年Torvalds只因MINIX授权机制让他火,于是开发免费开源Linux.今天Linux产业链多大?产生价值几何?
国内开发什么技术平台都悲剧,国内都弄不好,别想走出去!我认识Ruby的日本创始人//@白云在线:国內的Linux开发真是悲哀,其它的也好象没有具影响力的开源免费项目如ubuntu,android,ruby,ruby on rails等等//Linux赚到钱只有Redhat,我老早认识Redhat创始人,但与我合作的红旗Linux和国内Linux都全军覆没

Bitcoin plunges as exchange Mt. Gox pauses all withdrawals due to technical issues
http://thenextweb.com/insider/20 ... o-technical-issues/
Mt. Gox, one of the world’s biggest Bitcoin trading exchanges, has temporarily suspended all Bitcoin withdrawals with immediate effect as the team seeks to resolve technical issues experienced by some users while withdrawing Bitcoin.
The exchange says that the increase in withdrawal traffic was “hindering” its efforts on a technical level, and to “get a better look at the process the system needs to be in a static state.”
In order for our team to resolve the withdrawal issue it is necessary to temporarily pause all withdrawal traffic to obtain a clear technical view of the current processes.
Mt. Gox says withdrawals waiting to be processed will be returned to users’ wallets and can be re-initiated once it has resolved the technical issues. Customers can still use the trading platform as per usual.
The company will provide an update on Monday as it works through the weekend to resolve the problems.
Consequently, the price of Bitcoin has dropped. According to BitcoinWisdom, Bitcoin hit $619 at its lowest point today, from about $783 just 12 hours ago. It has started to rise slowly again — but is still far from the price it recorded yesterday.

Japan-based Mt. Gox is a service that allows Internet users to trade real-world currency for Bitcoin and vice-versa, but it has been beset with growing pains due to its popularity. The company suspended US dollar trading for two weeks in June and July last year to improve its service, and has suffered a number of DDoS attacks in the past — it was even forced to halt trading in April following a major Bitcoin price crash.
Subsequently in August, Mt. Gox announced that its service was running on Akamai, a move that it hoped could bring greater stability to the growing platform.

Bitcoin Price Plunges as Mt. Gox Exchange Halts Activity
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... halts-activity.html


Bitcoin plunged more than 8 percent today after a Tokyo-based exchange halted withdrawals of the digital currency, citing technical malfunction.
Mt. Gox, a popular exchange for dollar-based trades, said in a blog post it needed to “temporarily pause on all withdrawal requests to obtain a clear technical view of the currency processes.” It promised an “update” -- not a reopening -- on Monday, Feb. 10, Japan time.
Yesterday, the Russian prosecutor general said in a statement on its website that after a meeting with the central bank, the Federal Security Service and Interior Ministry, it had concluded Bitcoin and other digital currencies are illegal under current law.
“Russia’s official currency is the ruble,” according to the statement. “The introduction of other currencies and the issue of money surrogates are banned.”
Calls to the Russian prosecutor’s press office in Moscow after hours went unanswered.
The report gained wider circulation on Twitter Inc.’s service today after RT.com, a Russian state broadcaster, published an English-language article on the action.
The price of Bitcoin was down more than 6.5 percent to $732.40 at 3:09 p.m. New York time, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, which averages prices from exchanges including Mt. Gox. The price had fallen more than 8 percent at 8:23 a.m.

Market Making
SecondMarket Inc., which runs a Bitcoin investment fund for accredited investors, announced it would buy Bitcoins, partly in response to the Mt. Gox closing. Barry Silbert, the New York-based company’s chief executive officer, said in a message on Twitter that its trading team would “make a market on a pilot basis,” for orders of at least 25 Bitcoins.
Silbert, whose company brokered trades of shares in closely held companies such as Facebook Inc. (FB) before they were publicly traded, said the trouble at Mt. Gox demonstrates “a clear need for a U.S.-based, regulated, compliant and trustworthy Bitcoin exchange.”
“This could be the first step in that direction,” Silbert said in an e-mail.
U.S.-based exchanges have either closed at the behest of law enforcement or had difficulties obtaining business bank accounts because of regulatory uncertainty. State regulators are currently considering how to license digital currency exchanges as money transmitters.
Bitcoin prices have generally traded at higher dollar prices on Mt. Gox because customers have had difficulties getting the U.S. currency out of the exchange. U.S. authorities twice seized, most recently in August, Mt. Gox bank accounts in the U.S. worth a total of $5 million after the company failed to register as a money transmitter.

Premium ‘Collapsed’
In the past few days, Mt. Gox customers have also encountered delays in withdrawing Bitcoins, said Greg Schvey, head of research at the Genesis Block, a New York-based digital-currency analysis firm. As a result, the premium to other exchanges has “collapsed,” Schvey said in an e-mail.
Mt. Gox has fallen to about 25 percent of global Bitcoin-dollar trades from about 80 percent last April, Schvey said, with other exchanges such as London-based Bitstamp picking up the volume. Around the time the Tokyo firm’s bank accounts were seized, the company cited rising withdrawals as the reason why customers couldn’t get dollars out of the exchange.
“Their messaging historically has not necessarily represented the full reality,” Schvey wrote.


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Fis 发表于 2014-2-9 09:00:49 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2014-2-9 19:37:29 | 显示全部楼层
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