
天使投资唐 发表于 2013-12-3 16:10:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[赞]//@Finally南星--何寒: 这样的天使觉悟,亮赞[good],这是带良知的现代市场经济思维的其中一种体现吗?想到的启发点:天使投和天使创不该定义为雷锋;天使投和天使创也要赚钱吃饭;天使投和天使创不只是为工作和为梦想,还要为社会增加就业率;天使基金转化为生产力终为社会创造价值;天使投和天使创的善要务必放在法律范围中

同意!我是人,不是神,也不是上帝的使者 或天上飞的天使。我自小与父亲南征北战,最近14年每两周跨洋,发现#授人以鱼#不如#授人以渔#或#授人以欲#!我们布道创业+《天使投资》的喜怒哀乐,共同改变自己和旁人的命运!//@我的梦想-百度不到:其实我认为,仅仅在精神上,天使已经给予我们草根创业者无尽的想象和期待,是一种鼓舞和希望。@唐//@華班長:致天使投资的天使!

How do Angel investors make money on Startups?

1. Angels Invest in cash flow companies that generates money and enjoy the outcomes
2. Through Exits- by selling companies to VC's after taking their invested company to Series A

Angel Investors
Angel investors typically make investment decisions regarding startups without paying others to manage their money. Therefore, the return on their investment usually won't involve paying any intermediaries. This can make a startup investment more attractive than alternative high-risk investments that usually involve paying a broker, money manager or another financial intermediary. One of the shareholders in my company once commented that he was particularly happy with his investment because it was one of the few direct, "commission free" investments he had made. Saving 1 to 2 percent per year in investment commissions and fees can make a significant difference in comparing startup investments to alternatives.

Angel Funds
As I've mentioned in past columns, there's a growing trend for angel investors to come together and invest as a fund. Typically, these funds make investments ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 at one time and occasionally are supplemented with private investments from individual angels. These funds tend to be small in size, which makes it difficult to afford full-time investment professionals to manage the fund. Nevertheless, a significant amount of time is spent on meeting organization, decision coordination and due diligence required to manage these bands of angels and fulfill the promise of the angel fund model.

Therefore, more often than not, angel funds have one or more investment professionals--often working part-time--paid as managers for the fund. Their compensation involves cash and a bonus tied to the fund's performance. The exact nature of this compensation is related to the fund's origins. If the fund was initiated by its managers, the compensation is usually more substantial and tied closely to the performance of the investments the fund makes. If the fund was initiated by angels who subsequently hired a manager to handle the meeting coordination, the compensation formula is skewed toward cash rather than performance bonus.

This matters for you because it determines if the investment manager for the angel fund is really just a gatekeeper or is both a gatekeeper and a genuine contributor to the investment decision making. When pitching angel funds in which the managers are paid based on fund performance, you should keep in mind that the terms of the deal will often involve negotiating with the fund manager. Put another way: Avoid the temptation to disregard the gatekeeper once you're past the gate. In these types of angel funds, the angel investors will vote on whether your pitch was a success and then appoint a small committee to conduct due diligence and negotiate the deal; more likely than not, the fund manager will be on this committee.


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小宁同学 发表于 2015-1-7 12:05:18 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2015-1-8 13:40:27 | 显示全部楼层

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小宁同学 发表于 2015-1-13 17:46:54 | 显示全部楼层

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