
天使投资唐 发表于 2013-10-8 12:35:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Some common myths about sonic booms and supersonic travel:

  • There is a “sound barrier” that was broken or is broken by aircraft - There really is no “barrier.”  It is simply an issue of whether an aircraft is designed in a manner that makes it capable of maintaining stability and control as it approaches and exceeds the speed of sound.  Early aircraft did not have swept wings, had large props and were generally not aerodynamically compatible with such speeds.   This belief may be the result of an early misunderstanding of the Prandtl–Glauert singularity, which would predict pressures to become infinite at the speed of sound. However, the Prandtl–Glauert transformation does not apply at such speeds, so the prediction of infinite pressure is false.
  • A sonic boom is experienced as a violent phenomenon on board the aircraft – If flying at supersonic speeds, a passenger on the aircraft would have no indication of the sonic boom other than the airspeed indicator.   The plane travels with the boom, so it is perfectly smooth.
  • An aircraft flying at supersonic speeds creates a violent and damaging sonic boom – As stated above, this is not usually the case.  At low altitude, it may break large plates of glass, but at higher altitudes, even this will not happen.  It will not produce any physical injury to humans, although it is loud enough to cause some hearing damage, although usually not from one incident.  At high altitudes, it will produce no danger of damage to hearing.  At worst, it is an annoyance.
  • A visible cloud of condensation indicates that an aircraft has gone supersonic – The pressure generated by a fast-moving aircraft can compress the air enough to force moisture to condense, producing a visible cloud.   However, this does not really have anything to do with supersonic travel.  Such clouds do sometimes occur at or near Mach-1, but they can occur at lower speeds too.   It depends on atmospheric conditions.
  • There is a sudden change in flight characteristics at Mach 1 – There are differences in the flight characteristics of supersonic versus subsonic flight, but it does not happen all at once.   This is largely due to the fact that as an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, portions of the aircraft will experience supersonic air flow before the entire aircraft actually exceeds the speed of sound.


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 楼主| 天使投资唐 发表于 2013-10-8 12:40:50 | 显示全部楼层




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