
天使投资唐 发表于 2013-7-25 10:44:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我看书少 不是专家。最近电子书对传统书有大冲击:Borders破产,Nook销售差,BN的CEO被炒!请看我好友GuyKawasaki新书APE=作者+出版者+创业者,介绍如何出版电子书。建议编辑为电子书和纸书同时设计定稿!//@陈晓晖:我们遇到的问题:对于引进版图书(比如目录),编辑是否需要按照国内的阅读习惯修改呢?

网佳,硅谷无线协会,亦庄国际于8月21日在亦庄举办创业大赛初赛,然后23日在北京MacWorldAsia.com大会里举办决赛,总奖金10万+有机会获风投+办公室优惠,头奖包括价值4万元去硅谷见识。请Email项目介绍去bp AT webplus点com。大赛详情:http://www.webplus.com/topic/20130726/
欢迎用邀请码http://t.cn/zY8CLA4 免费加入Webplus.com会员。关注网站【活动中心】在北上广深的#创业成长退出上市沙龙#等活动,参与【论坛】里的创业投资等讨论!谢谢!

互联网冲击:iTunes打击唱片业 亚马逊挑落书商
2011.6.24 TechWeb.com.cn
据国外媒体报道,我们都知道上世纪90年代的科技热潮将改变世界,但有趣的事情发生了:多年来传统企业与科技对手共存了下来。例如Borders,2000-2005年在与亚马逊的斗争中,该公司的销售收入实际在增加。不过,这样的日子似乎要到头了。当下数字公司已如此巨大,并且发展迅速,他们正在杀死传统公司。这里可以举出4个例子:美国邮政服务称,其在2011年底将出现资不抵债,Blockbuster和 Borders已经申请破产,唱片店不断倒闭。

文本 vs. 邮件

Netflix vs. Blockbuster
过去20年Blockbuster开设了4000家店铺。1997年,Reed Hastings因逾期租借《Apollo 13》而支付了40美元的滞纳金,他因此创办了Netflix。留下的就是这般历史:

亚马逊 vs. Borders
亚马逊几乎单枪匹马挑落了Borders这个过去10年的美国第二大书商。现在美国第一大书商Barnes & Noble正在用自己的电子阅读Nook反击亚马逊。

iTunes vs. CD
iTunes 2003年面世,随后对音乐零售商造成了毁灭性的打击。Tower Records 2004年破产,Musicland2006年被收购,FYE半死不活。

eBooks Account for 23% of U.S. Publisher Sales in 2012
by Felix Richter, 13.05.2013
This chart shows eBook sales as a percentage of trade publishers' net revenue in the United States.

Last week, TechCrunch reported that Microsoft is planning a $1 billion buyout of the digital arm of Nook Media, Barnes & Noble's eBook business that Microsoft is already partnering. The question that immediately followed was why Microsoft would be willing to pay so much money on an also-ran eReader business. The Nook eReader clearly lost to Amazon's Kindle line of readers in a market that is suffering from an ongoing shift to multi-purpose devices such as Apple's iPad.
Apparently it's not the hardware Microsoft is after. Instead the Redmond-based company has its eyes on the Nook content business. Digital publishing has grown vastly over the past few years, as reading devices in the form of smartphones, tablets and dedicated readers have become ubiquitous. According to the American Association of Publishers, eBooks accounted for 23 percent of American trade publishers' net revenue last year. Given the fact that Apple, Google and Amazon are already sitting at the table, it makes sense that Microsoft wants a piece of that increasingly large pie as well.

The Economics of Ebooks
Posted by acohen in Library Planning Research, library technology, March 27th, 2011
Readers are taking advantage of the rapid expansion of digital technology and starting to use digital books or e-books. The attached diagram illustrates the projected growth of digital books. Indeed, the library’s ability to provide new digital reader services is a key to the future institution. As you can see in the image below, publishers and content providers are moving toward more digital book releases.
Property: Albert N. Greco, Institute for Publishing Research
Some companies have started to leverage e-books in new ways. For example, Overdrive is looking to provide new ways to distribute digital / e-book service. Harper Collins is putting a restriction on using digital resources. This will be a trend to control library use, but also illustrates how libraries will be a valued venue to promote and market new titles to the community. This momentum will undoubtedly ensure that libraries are part of the marketing mix.
Below illustrates how the economics of ebook is different and how digital only copies will be difficult to market. The publishing industry should note that new ways to market their products are in their neighborhood public library. They should look for ways to partner with libraries to widen their appeal.

eBooks Will Account for 50% of All Books Sold by 2016
By Michael Kozlowski
There is no disputing the growth and success of the ebook market in recent years. Pricewaterhouse Coopers’ Global Entertainment and Media Outlook recently conducted a deep industry inquest on how the global ebook market will look in the next few years.
In 2011, ebook sales accounted for 19 billion dollars in the USA and by 2016 that figure should increase to 21 billion dollars. In the global market, e-textbooks and ebooks should account for a staggering 48 billion dollars in sales.
The growth of e-readers and tablets as a method to consume digital content is growing. eBook sales are not just limited to Canada and the USA, but also emerging Asian markets like Japan, South Korea, and China. Kobo and Sony are viciously jockeying for position in Japan, which is one of the most productive markets in Asia. South Korea is adopting digital reading quicker than others, with ebooks accounting for over 24% of all books sold. Many ebook companies are looking towards China as an avenue for future expansion, but as foreign entities, they find it hard to penetrate the country effectively.


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