天使投资唐 发表于 2013-12-11 13:57:15


兴趣爱好是创业或《天使投资》的目的!我相信,如果很喜欢创业,才可以熬久,学会生存,成功是迟早!赚大钱不是不重要,但小富靠智 中富靠德 大富靠命!
    @呼大本事:为什么外国投资人和大佬愿意为梦想买单 而中国大佬和投资人不愿意 你们这些大咖想过没?唐:硅谷投创新=赚钱;但国内过去投创新=亏钱,投山寨=赚钱!希望以后国内创新可以致富,扭转现状!


天使投资唐 发表于 2013-12-14 04:21:22

Companies typically invest in three types of innovation project:
Core – These projects improve existing products, often for existing customers.
Adjacent – These projects expandinto new business areas that are incremental or adjacent to the current offerings. They are aimed at new customers or markets close to the existing customer base.
Transformation – These projects are about breakthrough innovations and inventing new things that don’t exist yet. They create new markets and new products.
To get a balanced innovation portfolio an organisation should invest in all these areas. This diagram summarizes this approach:
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查看完整版本: 硅谷投创新=赚钱;但国内过去投创新=亏钱,投山寨=赚钱!