天使投资唐 发表于 2013-11-16 11:08:16


国内前十名的Google Play的游戏APP有一两家公司只有2~3个人!


天使投资唐 发表于 2013-11-16 21:10:46

Facebook 刚刚宣布以 10 亿美元的现金和股票 收购拍照分享应用 Instagram,这笔交易成为 Facebook IPO 前最大的一笔交易。那么 Instagram 是否值 10 亿美元呢?我们来看看这几幅 数据图:

首先,Instagram可能是目前世界上资本效率(Capital-Efficient)最高的公司。目前公司只有13位员工,其中两位还是上个月刚刚加入(因图制作较早,显示只有9位),但是用户量达到了 几千万。

因此,对于 Facebook 来说,以 10 亿美元的价格收购 Instagram 是完全值得的,因为它可能就是 Facebook 的未来。同时,Facebook 收购的不仅仅是 Instagram 这个应用,更重要的是收购了这个团队。如果将这笔钱平均分配给 13 位 Instagram 员工,那么每人将获得 7690 万美元。显然 Instagram 不可能进行平均分配。

天使投资唐 发表于 2013-11-16 21:15:19

Instagram's Buyout: How Does It Measure Up?
Apr, 2012
Instagram's billion-dollar sale to Facebook raised eyebrows yesterday, renewing cries of a new bubble. But relative to other major acquisitions of the past, how does it measure up?

I crunched the numbers, pulling together data from a selection of 30 notable internet acquisitions over the last ten years, from Broadcast.com to OMGPop, to see if the Facebook/Instagram acquisition was as crazy as everyone thinks. (I left out companies without public purchase prices or user stats.)
The spreadsheet below captures the acquisition date, dollar amounts, and ballpark counts of the users and employees at the time of acquisition. Be warned: any of these numbers are very rough, cobbled together from Internet Archive searches, old news articles, Quora answers, and tech blogs. If you have more accurate information, please leave a comment and I'll fix it.

Download the spreadsheet or view it on Google Docs.

Cost Per User

When a startup's acquired, they're purchased for any combination of the technology, talent, or the user base.
If we look strictly at the acquisition cost per user, Facebook got a relative deal with the Instagram purchase, paying roughly $37 for each of Instagram's 27 million users. (The median cost across all the acquisitions is about $92 per user.)
Compare that to acquisitions like Aardvark ($555/user) or Jaiku ($240/user), and you can systematically see which were likely technology or talent hires. The glaring exception is Yahoo's famous purchase of Mark Cuban's Broadcast.com in 1999, which paid nearly $10,000 for each of their 520,000 monthly active users, ten times any other startup. (Broadcast.com skewed the chart so much, I had to leave it off.)

Cost Per Employee

But if you look at the payout per employee, Instagram is completely off the charts. If split equally, each of Instagram's 13 employees would make nearly $77 million. The nearest runner-up is YouTube, with a paltry $24M for its 2006-era staff of 67. Skype, Broadcast.com, and Myspace all top the charts. The median? About $3 million.
Some would point to this as a sign of a bubble, but I think it's more likely it just reflects the incredible scalability of modern app architectures. Using cloud services, failover, and solid monitoring, Instagram can quickly scale up to support a million new users overnight with very little additional engineering effort.

The User-to-Employee Ratio
Instagram's numbers are exactly what you'd want to see in a social network -- high user counts with the lowest number of employees. This ratio is a measure of your efficiency, and it's no surprise that Instagram comes out on top here, with a ratio of one employee for every 2.07 million users.
The second highest user-to-employee ratio is OMGPOP, famous for developing Draw Something, the fastest-growing mobile app in history. With only one employee for every 875,000 users, they were able to scale to 50 million users within 50 days.
On the other end of the scale are the short-lived Q&A service Aardvark, with one employee for every 1,800 users, and customer-service giant Zappos with one employee for every 3,400 users.
More than anything, the app ecosystem rewards efficiency; your ability to massively scale with very little engineering effort. I'm guessing these ridiculously lean startups with huge exits aren't a freak occurrence. We'll see more of them as the rest of the world catches up, and learns how to do more with less.

All figures are at the time of acquisition, and I favored active user counts over total registered users for calculating acquisition cost per year.
Thanks to Tristan Louis for providing some of the rumored numbers.

I originally published this yesterday on Wired, under a different headline and revised lede from my editor. To be clear, I don't know if we're in a bubble or not. My only point is that, relative to other acquisitions, the per-user cost for Instagram isn't insane. Union Square Ventures' Albert Wenger added some additional thoughts, noting that the per-user costs should be discounted as the userbase grows.
Many Wired commenters complained I was wrong because Instagram has no revenue. In 2006, YouTube had 34M users, zero revenue, and were bleeding $1M/month for bandwidth alone. Was Google crazy to buy them, too?
Anyway, it was a good excuse to collect all of this data in a spreadsheet for the first time. I went looking, and couldn't find the numbers available in one place anywhere. Hope you liked it.

天使投资唐 发表于 2013-11-16 23:11:29

4月10日,Facebook CEO扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在其个人主页上宣布以10亿美元收购成立仅18个月,只有13名员工的小公司Instagram!Facebook目前正在筹备IPO(首次公开招股,了解更多IPO>>),预计融资最多100亿美元。Facebook自成立以来,一直都没有进行过大规模的并购交易,而是通常以数千万美元的价格收购小型创业公司,而且看重的并非技术而是人才。此次Facebook拿出10亿美元天价收购Instagram,自然引发业界轰动。 业内人士指出,Facebook此举,一方面为自己消灭了最大的潜在竞争对手;另一方面也将帮助Facebook改善自己的图片分享功能,并通过收购成为移动互联网的图片社交老大,可谓“一箭双雕”。


Instagram公司位于旧金山,产品于2010年10月正式登录App store,随后用户迅速增长,Instagram上线仅一周就拥有了10 万注册用户。最新信息显示,Instagram用户人数已经超过3000万人。 Instagram公司只有13名员工,也从未进行任何市场营销。Facebook的此次收购令该公司的13名员工一夜暴富,平均每人可分得约7692万美元。

与Facebook的CEO扎克伯格相似,Instagram的创始人希斯特罗姆(Kevin Systrom) ,也是80后年轻俊杰。他持有Instagram公司约40%的股份,粗略估算他在此次收购中可获得4亿美元。 希斯特罗姆本人的职业出身为市场营销,他自学编程技术,并自学成才。

Facebook has agreed to buy the hugely popular photo-sharing app maker Instagram for about $1 billion in cash and stock in a blockbuster deal reverberating around Silicon Valley.
Facebook’s chief executive and founder made the announcement Monday on Facebook in a post that has already generated tens of thousands of likes. He has pledged to allow Instagram to remain independent.
“For years, we’ve focused on building the best experience for sharing photos with your friends and family. Now, we’ll be able to work even more closely with the Instagram team to also offer the best experiences for sharing beautiful mobile photos with people based on your interests,” Mark Zuckerberg wrote. “We believe these are different experiences that complement each other. But in order to do this well, we need to be mindful about keeping and building on Instagram’s strengths and features rather than just trying to integrate everything into Facebook. That’s why we’re committed to building and growing Instagram independently. Millions of people around the world love the Instagram app and the brand associated with it, and our goal is to help spread this app and brand to even more people.”
Zuckerberg noted that the acquisition marked a milestone for Facebook – and hinted that it might be the last of its size and scope.
Facebook has mainly targeted smaller companies in its acquisitions, spending no more than tens of millions of dollars on each, and usually just to get the raw talent, not the technology. The 2-year-old Instagram in San Francisco has just 13 employees. They didn't hear about the deal until co-founder Kevin Systrom called an all-hands meeting Monday morning.
“It’s the first time we’ve ever acquired a product and company with so many users. We don’t plan on doing many more of these, if any at all. But providing the best photo sharing experience is one reason why so many people love Facebook and we knew it would be worth bringing these two companies together.”
The deal is expected to close later this quarter. Instagram had been rumored to be close to a new funding round that would have valued the startup at $500 million. It had turned down a previous offer from Facebook.Former Facebook executive Matt Cohler with Benchmark Capital is a major investor in Instagram.

CCX 发表于 2014-1-5 11:13:57

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查看完整版本: 很多伟大的公司都是小而美开始,小而美:Craigslist,Instagram等