天使投资唐 发表于 2013-9-13 15:12:38


主持反驳:【不是吧,盖茨像Darth Vader达斯维达,他不是Luke Skywalker卢克天行者,他是坏蛋!】


Zuckerberg said on stage at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference on Wednesday: "When I was growing up, Bill Gates was my hero."
Michael Arrington, on stage interviewing him, responded. "Oh come on! He's like Darth Vader. He not Luke Skywalker. He's the bad guy."
Zuckerberg defended "No he is not. Bill Gates ran one of the most mission-driven companies I can think of. Microsoft had a great mission. To put a computer on every desktop and in every home."
He added "There are companies that define themselves by their way of doing things, like the HP Way, and there are companies that define themselves by making a concrete change in the world. Microsoft did that. It was an incredibly inspiring company."
Bill Gates "is one of the greatest visionaries that our industry has ever had," Zuckerberg said.
He's put his money where is mouth is. FB sold Microsoft a 1.6 percent stake in 2007.Zuckerberg was also one of the first 17 billionaires to participate in Bill Gates' Giving Pledge, which is a commitment by the world's wealthiest people to give the majority of their wealth away to philanthropy.

天使投资唐 发表于 2013-9-17 11:09:43

Facebook使命:give people the power to share & make the world more open & connected。可惜,Facebook,Twitter在国内都被过滤,大家看不见他们的创新,只看见国内山寨的微信微博等。当然微信也有很多:微创新=山寨+创新,所以山寨也要创新![赞]//@Hunter_小桐:一个有伟大使命的公司是让人兴奋无比的
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