
天使投资唐 发表于 2014-5-30 15:25:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
马斯克Elon Musk的SpaceX刚发布最新太空船Dragon V2,可在地球与国际空间站ISS之间来回穿梭运送最多7名宇航员,而现在唯一可以来回国际空间站的俄罗斯Soyuz只能承载3名宇航员。Dragon V2就是特斯拉Tesla电动汽车的太空版!NASA希望Dragon V2能在2017~18年实现载人飞行。美国NASA刚支付俄罗斯7100多万美元送一位宇航员上ISS!

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3月1在UC Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校商学院MBA的亚洲商业年会的Finance Panel 演讲。BerkeleyABC.org。这是个很好在美国发布《Angel Investment》新书的活动。我演讲的视频:http://bbs.webplus.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5853

马斯克将发布载人宇宙飞船Dragon 2
据Space网站报道,经过多年的开发,私人航天公司SpaceX即将发布旗下首个载人宇宙飞船Dragon 2。
SpaceX CEO埃隆·(Elon Musk)将于美国东部时间周四晚上10点(北京时间周五上午10点)在该公司火箭工厂举行的一场只有邀请才能参加的特别发布会上,揭晓Dragon 2载人宇宙飞船的设计。 SpaceX还设计了商用分离舱,供美国宇航局的宇航员往返于国际空间站。
Dragon 2外观呈水果糖状,可以承载7名宇航员,最大载人量相当于NASA的航天飞机,是俄罗斯Soyuz号太空船载人量的两倍以上。Soyuz只能承载3名宇航员。
和无人宇宙飞船Dragon不同的是,Dragon 2将采用SpaceX的Falcon 9火箭进行发射,利用太阳能电池板供能。

SpaceX推出第二代太空船 可载七名宇航员
2014-05-30 12:16:50 网易科技
SpaceX推出第二代太空船 可载七名宇航员
据《连线》网站报道,伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)旗下的宇航公司SpaceX在美国太平洋时间29日晚上7点,推出了可在地球与国际空间站之间来回穿梭运送宇航员的最新太空船Dragon V2(第二代)。马斯克还拥有生产电动汽车的特斯拉公司。
Dragon V2是Dragon太空船的改进版,后者从2012年10月起进行了3次向国际空间站运送物质的无人飞行任务,最后一次在本月初返回了地面。美国宇航局(NASA)希望新的太空船能在2017或2018年实现载人飞行。今年早些时候,美国宣布太空站计划延长至2024年。
但2011年美国就终止了航天飞机计划,将宇航员送到国际空间站的唯一方法是搭载俄罗斯的联盟号飞船。昨天联盟号飞船刚将包括美国宇航员雷德·威丝曼(Reid Wiseman)在内的乘员送入太空,美国为此支付了7000多万美元费用。
最近,由于美国在乌克兰问题上对俄罗斯实施制裁,俄罗斯威胁停止运送美国宇航员进入国际空间站,搭乘联盟号飞船成为不具吸引力的选择。为此,NASA与波音和Sierra Nevada公司也签署合同,希望两家公司与SpaceX一起开发飞船运送宇航员。
他表示,新飞船将安装原先飞船发动机的“超能”版,并能与国际空间站对接。与航天飞机一样,新飞船也可搭载7名宇航员,预计2-3年内实现首次载人试飞。与Dragon无人飞船一样,Dragon V2飞船也将通过SpaceX研发的猎鹰9号火箭发射升空。

SpaceX Unveils Dragon V2 Spaceship, a Manned Space Taxi for Astronauts
May 30, 2014 Space.com
Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur behind the private spaceflight company SpaceX, unveiled his firm's latest innovation — the Dragon V2 manned spaceship —Thursday night (May 29) in a stylish debut for the 21st-century space taxi for astronauts.
SpaceX's Dragon Version 2 spaceship is designed to be reusable. Image released May 29, 2014.Pin It SpaceX's Dragon Version 2 spaceship is designed to be reusable. Image released May 29, 2014.
SpaceX's Dragon Version 2 crewed spacecraft has a sleek interior design, complete with a large tablet-like computer that swivels down in front of the capsule's tan leather seats. The manned space capsule can ferrying up to seven astronauts to and from destinations like the International Space Station,  Musk said during the reveal, which SpaceX webcast live online from its headquarters in Hawthorne, California.
"I think it's really a big leap forward in technology," Musk said. "It really takes things to the next level."

SpaceX Dragon V2 Launch
The new SpaceX Dragon V2 seems to be an amazing machine, capable of transporting seven astronauts to orbit and then soft-land anywhere on Earth using thrusters and retractile legs—with the accuracy of an helicopter. Elon Musk claims that they will be able to refuel it and launch it again right away.

NASA Pays Russians $71 Million to Send American Astronaut into Space
http://freebeacon.com/issues/nas ... tronaut-into-space/
March 26, 2014
The Wire reports:
  • Early tomorrow morning, NASA astronaut Steve Swanson will hitch a ride to the International Space Station aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, costing the federal agency a cool $70.7 million that will surely end up in the Kremlin’s coffers. So you can understand get why they’re not taking this whole Western sanctions thing so seriously.
  • Swanson will join cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Oleg Artemyev on the journey, which will deliver to them to the ISS. They will join a team of three, NASA astronaut Rick Mastracchio, cosmonauts Mikhail Yurin and JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata. NASA secured Swanson’s space on the mission in April of last year, when NASA agreed to pay Russia a total of $424 million for six space tickets through 2017.

President Obama cancelled NASA’s $9 billion space program in 2010, which was set to build three new shuttles.
“To people who are working on these programs, this is like a death in the family,” NASA chief Charles Bolden said at the time.
Bolden has expressed concern about relying on the Russians for space missions, and others are worried that current tensions with the country could leave American astronauts stranded in space.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said it is “embarrassing that the United States has to thumb rides from the Russians.”
“We’re being forced to pay over $70 million dollars per seat to the Russians just to go to the Space Station and they have us over a barrel,” he said. “Being at Putin’s mercy is not a good place to be.”


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Fis 发表于 2014-5-30 18:17:10 | 显示全部楼层
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Fis 发表于 2014-5-30 18:17

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