
天使投资唐 发表于 2013-7-18 05:47:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谁是中国数万亿美元外汇储备的救星?朱长虹!他是现任外管局SAFE首席投资长CIO,为人低调到只有学生时代的照片,媒体将他称为“隐形人”!他20岁时赴美学量子物理学后做债券交易员,他最终加入投资巨头PIMCO,成为著名投资者格罗斯Bill Gross的得力助手!被外管局局长招至麾下后,说服上级扩大对美国公司债、股票和房地产的投资,而不是上任前外管局依赖于对美国国债的保守乏味的投资!在他指导下,外管局去年的投资回报表现非常不错。

网佳,硅谷无线协会,亦庄国际于8月21日在亦庄举办创业大赛初赛,然后23日在北京MacWorldAsia.com大会里举办决赛,总奖金10万,头奖包括价值4万元去硅谷见识。有意展示项目的请报名北广深沪沙龙27/28/29/30日 http://t.cn/zTiOB8J,或直接Email项目介绍去bp AT webplus点com
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Wall Street Journal  华尔街日报
2013年 07月 17日




现年43岁的前物理学家朱长虹曾有过多次出人意料的职业生涯转型。他在20岁时从贫穷的安徽省来到芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)学习量子物理学,但之后他放弃了前途光明的学术生涯,成为一个债券交易员,据知情人士说,他最终进入安联保险公司(Allianz SE)旗下投资巨头太平洋投资管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.),成为著名投资者比尔·格罗斯(Bill Gross)的得力助手.






尽管有那些押注,但美国货币政策料将发生的变化意味着朱长虹的主要目标不是实现创纪录的投资成果,而是如果美国国债价格由于美联储(U.S. Federal Reserve)减少购债而继续下跌,那么他就要努力减少外管局面临的损失。







朱长虹供职外管局之前,曾在美国生活了20年。了解外管局操作方式的人表示,该局局长易纲亲自将朱长虹招至麾下。易纲本人也曾在美国待过多年,曾任印第安纳大学-普渡大学印第安纳波利斯分校(Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)经济学教授。知情人士说,朱长虹对北京来说是个重大收获。中国“千人计划”为招揽海外人才回国,向他们提供现金奖励和研究资金。

与外管局关系密切的人说,他在外管局担任首席投资长,这个职位听上去是技术性的,但他所做的工作却极具政治意味。首先,朱长虹必须说服他的上级在用中国外汇储备投资时要承担风险,外汇储备被视为国家财富,常常被说成中国劳动者的“血汗钱”。中国规模巨大的主权财富基金中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp.,简称:中投公司)因为2008年全球金融危机之前对华尔街公司的投资出现亏损而在中国受到抨击,这进一步加剧了外管局的压力,外管局不希望自己也面临这样的抨击。


参与其中的人士说,在朱长虹的支持下,外管局很早就成为欧洲金融稳定基金(European Financial Stability Fund)的债券投资者,在那之后经常投资这支救助基金。



朱长虹转变为投资大师这一点依然令许多老熟人惊讶不已。他1995年在芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)的毕业论文是《朗道能级内部极化与维格纳晶体》(Inter-Landau Level Polarization and Wigner Crystal),研究了电子相互强烈干扰并互相缠绕的环境,这是物理学当前的一个热点领域,有朝一日可能会带来量子计算的突破。



China's Zhu Changhong Helps Steer Nation's Currency Reserves
July 16, 2013
Nation's Media Call Former Physicist 'Invisible'

BEIJING—At an official Chinese New Year's party earlier this year, a former bond trader named Zhu Changhong was hailed for the smart choices he made investing the world's largest stash of cash: China's $3.5 trillion in foreign reserves.

Tweaking the lyrics of a famous revolutionary song that extolled Mao Zedong, Mr. Zhu's colleagues jocularly lauded him: "The east is red, the sun rises. From China arises Zhu Changhong…he is SAFE's savior," people with knowledge of the event say. SAFE is China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the division of the central bank that manages China's currency reserves and is one of the most powerful investors in the world.

Mr. Zhu is a key figure in the allocation of trillions of dollars at a time when Europe still is looking for sources of capital and developing countries worry that the resources boom shows signs of ebbing. But despite being charged with directing China's efforts to diversify its foreign reserves and earn decent returns, little is known about Mr. Zhu; Chinese media call him "invisible."

A 43-year-old former physicist, Mr. Zhu has made one surprising turn after another in his career. At 20 years old, he moved from impoverished Anhui province to the University of Chicago to study quantum physics, but he then chucked a promising academic career to become a bond trader. He eventually ended up as the right-hand man to investor Bill Gross at Allianz SE's ALV.XE +1.34% Pacific Investment Management Co., the giant investment firm, according to people familiar with Mr. Zhu's work.

There, Mr. Zhu took on the trappings of the American dream, buying two luxury homes in California and a condo in Las Vegas, according to U.S. property records. But he left that life behind to return to China in late 2009 to become the chief investment officer at SAFE's reserves-management department.

Acquaintances refer to him as a nerd, and he is so low-key that China's legions of Internet users complain that there isn't a single picture of Mr. Zhu online. At SAFE, he portrays himself as just one of a team of professionals that makes investment decisions for the agency, according to people knowledgeable about the agency's operations.

But he has made his mark at SAFE, persuading his superiors to invest more in U.S. corporate bonds, equities and real estate, rather than rely on the safe-but-dull investments in U.S. Treasurys that were SAFE's hallmark before Mr. Zhu took the reins.

In a recent sign of his more aggressive style, SAFE bet on Japanese equities in the second half of last year before they rose sharply in value, said individuals familiar with his work, though the size of the position wasn't clear.

Media officials at SAFE declined to comment for this article.

Despite those bets, expected changes in U.S. monetary policy mean that Mr. Zhu's main goal isn't to turn in record results but to try to reduce losses that SAFE would face if U.S. Treasurys continue to fall when the U.S. Federal Reserve reduces its bond purchases.

SAFE "had a very good year last year" under Mr. Zhu's direction, said a Chinese official. SAFE doesn't disclose its investments and performance.

In June 2010, just after Mr. Zhu started at SAFE, about 45% of China's reserves, or $1.11 trillion, was invested in U.S. government bonds, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of U.S. Treasury and Chinese central-bank data. Since then, China's overall purchases of U.S. debt increased, but Mr. Zhu has steadily helped reduce the percentage devoted to Treasurys to around 35%, or $1.14 trillion, in June 2012.

He also boosted SAFE's investments in Japanese equities, European debt, U.S. corporate bonds and equities. Specifics are hard to come by, but between June 2011 and June 2012, for instance, the percentage of Chinese reserves invested in U.S. corporate debt and equities rose to 7% from 5%.

As of May, the most recent numbers, SAFE still had about $1.32 trillion of its reserves in U.S. government bonds. That number may underestimate the actual holdings, analysts said, because of Beijing's efforts to mask how it invests. The immense size of China's Treasury holdings means that the value of its currency reserves is largely at the mercy of swings in U.S. interest rates.

That, in turn, leaves SAFE vulnerable to the expected withdrawal of monetary stimulus by the Fed, which is putting pressure on the price of U.S. Treasurys.

Mr. Zhu's efforts are "too late to do much," said Yu Yongding, a senior economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a former monetary-policy adviser to China's central bank.

Mr. Zhu joined SAFE after spending 20 years in the U.S. He was personally recruited by SAFE's director, Yi Gang, who himself had spent many years in the U.S. as an economics professor at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, according to people with knowledge of the agency's workings. Mr. Zhu was a big catch for Beijing, whose "1,000 talents program" offers cash awards and research funds to get back talented expatriates, the people said.

His title at SAFE, chief investment officer, sounds technical, but his work is deeply political, said individuals with close ties to SAFE. First, Mr. Zhu had to persuade his superiors to take risks investing China's reserves, which are viewed as national patrimony and routinely described as xue han qian— money earned by "the blood and sweat" of Chinese workers. Adding to the pressure, China's big sovereign-wealth fund, China Investment Corp., was criticized in China for taking losses on bets on Wall Street firms before the global financial crisis of 2008, and SAFE didn't want to open itself to similar criticism.

As a result, SAFE tries to limit its investments outside Treasurys to amounts small enough to hide from the public in case the bets go bad, said a person close to SAFE.

With Mr. Zhu's endorsement, SAFE was an early investor in bonds issued by the European Financial Stability Fund, according to those involved, and has invested regularly since then in the bailout fund.

The amounts of the investment aren't disclosed but are likely to be substantial. As the European crisis deepened in early 2012, European officials held brainstorming sessions with Mr. Zhu and other Chinese government officials about how to interest China in bonds that might be used to bail out Italy or Spain, according to individuals inside and outside China who are familiar with the sessions.

Brussels officials wanted to learn what returns Beijing would expect from investments compared to the risk the Chinese might be willing to accept, they said. Mr. Zhu gave "clear indications" of what the Chinese would want, said a person familiar with the talks. In the end, the Europeans didn't issue the new instruments as the crisis ebbed.

Mr. Zhu's transformation into investment guru still surprises some old acquaintances. His 1995 dissertation from the University of Chicago, "Inter-Landau Level Polarization and Wigner Crystal," examined circumstances where electrons strongly interfere and become entangled with one another, a hot area in physics now that may someday lead to breakthroughs in quantum computing.

"Those with an entrepreneurial drive went to Wall Street," said physicist Paul Wiegmann, Mr. Zhu's thesis adviser. He said he thought the fast pace of a trader fit his former student, who finished his dissertation in two years, half the usual time.

"I thought he'd do well, but doing so well, that's a surprise," Mr. Wiegmann said. "He came from a foreign country, from a rural area, with no experience in the culture and the operation of [U.S.] society. He's literally self-made."


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